My Choir Will Be Singing at the THEOS Concert

On Decem­ber 13th, at 5:00pm, the Ortho­dox Clergy Broth­er­hood of Greater Pitts­burgh will pre­set the 3rd annual THEOS Pan-Orthodox Choral Cel­e­bra­tion at Holy Cross Greek Ortho­dox Church in Mount Lebanon, PA. The con­cert will fea­ture sev­eral choirs, includ­ing our own St. George choir, from a vari­ety of Ortho­dox eth­nic tra­di­tions singing hymns of the Nativ­ity season.

For the past two years, this has been an incredible event. The choirs all do a wonderful job, and the concert closes with the choirs combining for a huge finale.

If you’re looking for a great way to spend an evening, come and join us!