Let the Adventure Begin

I’ve been thinking about becoming a freelance developer for several years, and two weeks ago, with encouragement from family and friends, I got over the last of my mental hurdles, and decided to go for it. On Feb. 4th, I’ll be starting my new career as a freelance user experience and web application architect.

There are lots of scary things about going this route, from having to learn about the legal aspects of becoming a corporate entity to wondering whether you can actually get a steady stream of interesting work that will keep food on the table, but for me, the good, interesting, and exciting things outweigh the scary things. Things from the possibility of working with some of the exciting up and coming startups in Pittsburgh, to being able to work on new ideas and projects with new technology, to being able to have more control over my personal, family, and work time.

Thanks to my family, friends, and colleagues, all of whom have been incredibly supportive, and many of whom I have consulted for personal and professional advice over the past few weeks.

So, let the adventure begin!

Oh, and if you’re looking for someone to take user experience to the next level, or create a solid architecture for your new killer app idea, I know someone who does that :)